Sunday 11 January 2009

Catholicism is COOL!

(Stolen from the Crescat)


madame evangelista said...

LOL. What immediately struck me (and may get me struck by lightning) is the curved ironwork with an arrowhead behind him, that looks like a demon's tail sticking up from his back...

It's great picture though - definitely a better look for him than the santa claus outfit.

Augustine said...

Haha, his secret is out!

I think its very unfair that Italian and Bavarian priests get to look cool, whereas our poor pastors are expected just to blend in...

I think a biretta and sunglasses should be mandatory clerical costume from may-august :D

maris said...

ME.. I think, that's your subconscious screaming out ;o)

Augustine.. I think, it's one of the best pictures of him since he doesn't look intimidating.

Priests walking in cassocks wearing sunglasses and birettas is just great. Not sure if we can justify the sunglasses :o)

Augustine said...

Yeah, with sunglasses the Holy Father looks not only the part of successor of St. Peter, but also of succesor to "Neo" from "The Matrix" :D